An article presented the views of people with learning disabilities on the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and its provisions in relation to the use of services. Awareness of rights was generally low. Although they were usually offered reasonable service in shops, pubs, and other facilities, people were sometimes treated unfairly.
Source: Kirsten Stalker and Jennifer Lerpiniere, '"It's against our law, never mind anyone else": the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and adults with learning disabilities', Disability & Society, Volume 24 Number 7
Links: Abstract
Date: 2009-Dec
A report (for an official advisory body) examined the evidence on two issues affecting disabled people. The first part examined what choice and control meant to disabled people, highlighting the key issues and drivers that had the biggest impact in improving choice and control – including choice in community living, personal budgets, and provision of equipment. The second part of the report looked at the evidence on the barriers faced and improvements needed by disabled people to access transport, housing, the built environment, information technology, and leisure services.
Source: Mark Priestley, Sarah Woodin, Bryan Matthews and Laura Hemingway, Choice and Control/Access to Goods and Services, Office for Disability Issues (
Links: Report | Summary (1) | Summary (2)
Date: 2009-Nov
A survey found that some universities were failing to provide accessible accommodation or facilities to disabled students: 1 in 10 disabled students were not able to live or eat on university sites.
Source: University Challenge, Muscular Dystrophy Campaign (020 7803 4800)
Links: Report | MDC press release | Community Care report | BBC report
Date: 2009-Aug
A study found that disabled people were considerably less likely to be in higher education by the age of 19 than people without disabilities.
Source: Disabled Students and Higher Education, Research Report 09-06, Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (020 7215 5555)
Links: Report
Date: 2009-May